Mediumship and Sex: Surprisingly Similar
Jan 12, 2019
Are sexuality and Spirituality really at opposite ends of the spectrum of human experience? Or more like parallel octaves on the same musical scale?
As a former Sunday School teacher who now mentors mediums, I anticipate some raised eyebrows in response to my suggestion that intuitive development might have anything in common with intercourse. Many of us were raised to believe that sex was sinful and that only the pure and chaste had any chance of receiving divine communication. Joan of Arc's virginity was called into question as much as her visions and voices. Here in the 21st century, the religious dogma seems for many to have mellowed into a more forgiving sense of Spirituality. Even so, past conditioning tells us the topic is taboo, so you may be surprised that a Spiritual coach would draw a connection between sex and Spirit communication. But as it turns out, it's all just a natural part of the human experience.
A Dozen Ways Mediumship is like Sex
1. It's come out of the closet and into the living room. What used to be repressed, suppressed and relegated to hushed whispers is now celebrated on our screens. While many of us have struggled with shame, guilt, and fear of persecution due to antiquated taboos, the trend in recent decades has been toward reclaiming and owning both our sexuality and our Spirituality.
2. It's completely natural. Just as we have a biological proclivity for procreation, we also have an instinctual yearning to connect with our Spiritual selves. We all have the capacity to connect and commune with those in Spirit.
3. All humans have the necessary equipment. If you were under the impression that only a gifted few are capable of mediumship, allow me to enlighten you. Mediumship is a skill that can be learned. I know because I learned with the help of an experienced mentor, and now I teach this healing art to others who have also learned to connect successfully.
4. It can be clumsy at first. Our first attempts can be anticlimactic, but over time our adventures become more consistently satisfying. We get to know what works for us in terms of building the energy, and we learn to sustain that momentum until a successful conclusion has been reached.
5. It can be done alone, but it's better with a friend. Getting some validation is a great confidence builder. That's why most mediums hone their skills by working with other mediums in development circles and workshops. Guidance from someone more experienced than oneself can be particularly beneficial in increasing one's skill level.
6. It seems to work better with some people than with others. Just as we vibe with certain humans better than we do with others, some Spirits just seem to be on our wavelength. We mediums can't guarantee we'll connect with a particular Spirit as it takes two to tango.
7. It can get messy. Sometimes mediums get information that can't be validated at the time. Perhaps the message is for someone else. Sometimes the sitter doesn't remember or is not yet aware of the information the medium is getting in that moment. But often the longer the road, the more satisfying the arrival. Some of the most amazing bits of evidence are those that are found to be true after the session is over.
8. There are lots of ways to do it. Mediums work in one-on-one sessions, do group readings, deliver messages on stage, at meetups and in centers. There's mental mediumship, physical mediumship such as table-tipping, trance work and channeling. Some mediums even specialize in helping Spirits cross over to the Other Side or clearing homes of unwelcome energies.
9. We each get turned on a little differently. While some mediums can move into receiver mode with a mental flip of the switch, others require a lengthier process to get into the mood for mediumship. Personally, I enjoy the full range of experience that comes from marinating in that energy through meditation. However, sometimes a quickie gets the job done. Recently, I had only a minute to devote to a much-needed message. Spirit showed me an image that hit the bullseye and drove the message home.
10. The two shall become one. Just as intercourse involves a blurring of the boundaries that ordinarily separate us, in mediumship, partial overshadowment allows a Spirit person's energy to temporarily blend with that of the medium. We can literally feel their feelings and their personality, see through their eyes and hear their voice in our head.
11. A sacred connection. At their best, both sex and Spirit communication are magical, transcendent moments of unconditional Love. When approached with respect, tenderness and a little finesse, they are acts that can bring life-changing joy and healing.
12. In the beginning, sometimes it's hard to think about much else. When we start having amazing contact with Spirit, it's magical. Of course we want to continue to ride that high vibe. But we can't be turned on 24/7. Setting aside some time for Spirit to speak on a regular basis will enable you to develop your relationship with Spirit without burning out your body.
Let's make it a baker's dozen. In case it's not obvious, sex should always be consensual. Once again, mediumship is no different! One of the most important lessons I teach beginning mediums is how to create office hours for Spirit communication so that it happens on your terms and on your schedule. You don't have to be in church to connect. In fact, I chat with my Spirit Guides on my commute and sometimes even in the shower. But if you have Spirits popping up in your bedroom at night uninvited, it's time to set some boundaries! The good news is that with a little coaching, you can learn to control your abilities so that communication happens when you intend to connect. Managing your mediumship in this way allows for better balance between your Spiritual work and your physical needs here in the 3D. After all, we are here in human form to enjoy a rich variety of experiences here on Earth. Balance is essential for living this life to the fullest.
Cheryl-Lynn Gramp
Want to learn how to better connect with Spirit?
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Special thanks to all the Admins at Translating Spirit for their support and energy: Deana Verdin, Jamie Gailliot, Sheila Barron, Josef Siegel, Kathy Harris and Yuyu Tu; and thanks to Yuyu and Kathy for their input on this post.
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